• Strategies

In depth study of all the on-ground realities using community resource mapping and other methods of study of the basic existing conditions, materials and facilities should precede any project implementation. Feasibility studies of production units and such gainful capital outlay follows the primary survey work. Identification of potential beneficiaries, benefactors and benefits should be completed and the role of each segment in the whole project predetermined.

Broad based awareness campaigns among the general public, motivation camps for the targeted stakeholders, preparing the ground through efficient use of media like news papers, radio and TV channels and advocacy and lobbying through national and international forums are necessary for preparing a wide base for the project, ensuring its universal acceptance. Strong and high level liaison work among like minded institutions, government establishments , aid agencies and other organisations will be needed to smoothen the implementation.

At each stage of implementation, all stakeholders should be taken into faith and all matters discussed transparently. All the participants should get equal chances for participation and equal claim to the benefits accrued through their collective efforts. No distinction should be made on the lines of cast, creed, class, economic status and/or political affiliations, however minor the differentiation may be. Regular and periodical Capacity Building Training will be given to the staff to equip them to meet all eventualities and exigencies.